Here we go again ladies! If you have been reading this blog for a couple months, you will remember 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband and 31 Days of Praying for Your Children.
Now, we have 30 days of Faith Filled Affirmations for Your Marriage!
This challenge is inspired by Proverbs 18:21…”The tongue has the power of life and death..”
Our words are so important! They can lift people up or they can tear people down. They can draw people close or they can push them away. They can breath life into a situation, or they can… well.. do the opposite. I think you’re getting my point.
My prayer is that we will watch our words and only speak those full of life! May you take each affirmation below and speak them in faith over your marriage. Yes, I said “in faith”.. that means if perhaps some of them are not true for you, that you are speaking them anyway! Because, God has instructed us to “call those things which be not as though they were.” (Romans 4:17)
Now, before we dive into the affirmations, I want to take a quick second and explain how affirmations are different from prayers. Oftentimes people tend to stay in the “Dear God, Please” mode and they just keep begging God for the same thing over and over again. And, then they walk away and complain about their situation like they never even prayed about it. Well the purpose of this challenge is to do as Joyce Meyer suggests…”Pray and Say”.. Take a moment and realize that God heard your prayers the 1st time. It’s now time to back your words up with Faith..and SPEAK as if you REALLY believe God is (or already has) answered your prayers. So, I encourage you again to check your words. Are you speaking what you want? Or are you simply speaking what is? Just know whatever the answer is..that will be what you get more of.
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Day 7
- Day 8
- Day 9
- Day 10
- Day 11
- Day 12
- Day 13
- Day 14
- Day 15
- Day 16
- Day 17
- Day 18
- Day 19
- Day 20
- Day 21
- Day 22
- Day 23
- Day 24
- Day 25
- Day 26
- Day 27
- Day 28
- Day 29
- Day 30
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