[pinit]So far I absolutely loooove the blogging world! Everyone I have met in Cyberland is so friendly and helpful! And, my newest friend, Sarah at One Active Mama is no exception. 🙂 She was so very sweet to nominate me for the Liebster Award! What is the Liebster Award, you may ask? Funny thing is.. I asked the same thing! Basically, the Liebster Award is a way for Bloggers to “Pay it Forward“. You have the opportunity to shine the light on someone else and then almost like a mirror effect, the light shines back at you. Total Win-Win, if you ask me! That being said, I encourage you to take a moment and check out Sarah and her adorable little girl, Isabella. But, you better move quick, because they are on the move at One Active Mama!
Now, let’s delve right into how this all works.. 😉
Here are the rules of the Liebster Award:
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
- Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
- Create 11 questions for the nominees.
- Notify all nominees via social media and/or blogs.
And, now here are my questions: 😉
1. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
I started blogging in June. One of my biggest dreams has always been to be a writer. So, I saw this as a great opportunity to give way to that dream. 🙂
2. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Right now.. blogging. 😉 And, I loooove Yoga!
3. What is the best vacation that you have been on?
My husband and I took a cruise to the Bahamas, the Grand Cayman and Cozumel. We went snorkeling with stingrays in the Grand Cayman and snorkeling in the most gorgeous aqua blue water in Cozumel!
4. What does your ideal day look like?
Snorkeling in Cozumel. 😉
5. What is the hardest part of blogging for you?
The Techy side that I never knew existed.
6. What is the easiest part of blogging for you?
Coming up with ideas for posts.
7. What do you see as your top three strengths?
I’m tenacious. I never take No for an answer. I have a strong desire to succeed in all that I do.
8. Do you have kids?
Yes! We have a 15 month old son, Eli. And, we also have 3 dogs, 4 cats and 5 chickens. 😉 Yes, they are our kids too!
9. What is your favorite food?
Pizza! But, I rarely eat it. For the most part, I try to eat gluten and dairy free.
10. What is your favorite blog post that you have written?
I’m still pretty new to the blogging world, but one of my favorites is:
Books That Have Changed My Life
11. Where do you want your blog to be in one year? In five years?
My goal is to connect with hundreds of thousands of new Favored friends a year. I want to create a community of like-minded women who encourage each other to pursue their dreams, live each day with purpose and have fun a long the way! :):)
Now, comes the fun part! I get to nominate one of my favorite new bloggers!
I nominate:
Sarah with The Orthodox Mama
** I encourage you to check out Sweet Sarah in her corner of the blogging world. She writes about her Faith, Family and Frugal Living. I always enjoy her tips and tricks and checking in with her Weekly Goals. 😉
My questions for Sarah are …
- How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
- What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
- What is the best vacation that you have been on?
- What does your ideal day look like?
- What is the hardest part of blogging for you?
- What is the easiest part of blogging for you?
- What do you see as your top three strengths?
- What is the best book that you have read recently?
- Do you have pets? If so, what kind?
- What is your favorite blog post that you have written?
- Where do you want your blog to be in one year? In five years?
I look forward to reading your responses!! :):)
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Thanks so much, Ciara! I’m trying to figure out now who to nominate!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…What I’m Reading This Week #23
I love this!!! I’m so glad that you accepted my nomination and kept this going!! Looking forward to reading more of your posts!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Sarah recently posted…MOMMY’S OF INSTAGRAM