I have seen a lot of other Bloggers dedicate a post each week to sharing their goals. And, I must admit that this practice has been very intriguing to me. However, I always thought of goals as being very private in nature. So, the thought of broadcasting them to the world seemed a little intimidating. I also wondered.. who would even want to read my goals?
But, then I found myself coming back to blogs such as The Orthodox Mama. And, I am always excited to read her goals and check on her progress each week. Not to mention, I always leave inspired by how much she is able to accomplish!
Then I started thinking about the accountability opportunity that this holds.
If I publish my goals for the world to see, would I work harder to accomplish them?
Would I maybe even start setting bigger goals?
The answer is undoubtedly Yes!
It’s one thing to write your goals down for only you to see. It can become very easy to compromise or lose focus, if you are not extremely disciplined.
It’s a whole other thing, when you know other people will be checking up on you!
So, that being said, today marks my first Weekly Goal List! (I am working on a clever name for this series! ;))
Big Goal: Have a close, personal relationship with God. I want to know His will for my life. I want His wisdom to guide my steps, my words and actions.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Spend at least 30 minutes reading the Bible, (and other spiritual books) and praying every morning before Eli wakes up (Quiet Time)
Daily listen to at least one 30 minute Inspirational Audio
Daily speak scripture affirmations
Daily Praise God in song and dance for the Miracles coming our way!
Communion with Matt at least 3 times this week
Big Goal: Move to a new location (undisclosed)
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Prepare house for Showings (Clear Clutter, Pack Boxes)
Take Pictures
Research new Properties
Visualize new Property
Big Goal: Improve my people skills, leadership ability and become an all around better person.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Read at least 20 minutes a day – This week I am reading from I Used To Be So Organized. Crystal at Money Saving Mom is hosting an online Book Club, featuring this book. I was super excited when I heard this, because I needed to get myself in gear and pick up a new book! Thanks for the encouragement Crystal!! 😉
Big Goal: I want Eli to have fun everyday, have new experiences and learn to love the outdoors.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Play outside with Eli everyday
Big Goal: I want Eli to love reading and increase his knowledge and imagination.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Read to Eli everyday
Big Goal: I want to increase my productivity each day.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Review Make over Your Mornings Course. I have been through this course already and have benefitted hugely from it! (See my Post- Must Have Resource for Mompreneurs!) However, I still need to refine some daily habits in order to make the most of my days.
Big Goal: I want to be in the best physical shape possible.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Do Yoga 5-6 times this week
Do 50 sit ups a day
Lift weights 10 minutes a day
Big Goal: I want to have a growing, profitable blog.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Write 2-3 new blog posts.
Write a Guest Post.
Review Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook and Facebook Mastermind notes. This has been my “Go To” Handbook since I started my blog. And, I find that I keep coming back to it, as I progress in the blogging world. (See my post- 4 Things You Must Have to Start a Blog)
Start e-book for Subscription Promotion
Wow, that seems like a lot! Good thing I have 168 Hours this week. 😉
How about you.. Do you have any goals for this week?
*This post contains affiliate links, noted by asterisks. For more information, see my disclosures here.*
Aww, thanks for the link. And, lady, you have quite a bit of impressive stuff going on this week! i can only imagine the chaos and busyness of getting a house ready to show and preparing to move. Best of luck!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…What To Do When Your Child is Scared
Haha! Thanks.. 🙂 Yeeeaaahh making it picture ready with a Toddler.. Hmmm 😉 Ttys!