[pinit]Did you know that God wants you to be prosperous? It’s true! And, if you don’t believe me, sit back as I line it up with Scripture. 😉
So often, Christians in the church community think that poverty is synonymous with humility. But, actually just the opposite is true.
John 10:10 says that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus didn’t say that He came so that we can live a life of mediocrity and barely getting by.
In the book, From Faith to Faith- A Daily Guide to Victory….Kenneth Copeland says that oftentimes people will come up to him and say, “I don’t need much prosperity. I’m a simple person with a simple life. So, I just ask God for enough to meet my needs.”
He goes on to explain that they think that’s humility, but it’s not. It’s selfishness! They don’t realize it, but they’re actually saying, “All I care about is meeting my own needs. I have no ambition to help meet anyone else’s.”
They could ask God for a million dollars, take out just enough to meet their needs, and give the rest away. But, that doesn’t even occur to them…
Wow! What an eye opener for someone who has never been introduced to that thought process before.
2 Corinthians 9:11 says: “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
Now doesn’t that just make sense? God wants us to be rich, so that we can be generous to others. Think about it.
If two different families are dining in a restaurant, and one family tips their server 15% (Please don’t ever do that!) and the other family tips the server 25% (or 50% or 100% or MORE), which situation would result in more thanksgiving to God? The 2nd one of course!
I know of several wealthy people who really have a lot of fun surprising servers in restaurants with very large tips. And, the stories they tell are hilarious! The reaction most often results in the person jumping up and down, yelling.. “Thank You Jesus! Thank You Jesus!”
My husband and I have just barely touched the surface in this department. And, I look forward to every opportunity in the future to give lots more. But, let me tell you.. we have so much fun giving money to people! The joy and the gratitude in their eyes is priceless! And, to see first hand, that God is using you to meet a financial need in someone’s life is so very fulfilling. I encourage all to listen for promptings from God to give.. and then act immediately! You will be blessed by it tremendously!
Psalm 112: 1-3 says “Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.”
I remember several months back when God spoke to us through Psalm 112 and made it very clear that this was His will for our life.
My husband is very diligent with reading his Bible and daily devotional every single morning. In fact, since he started this habit, I don’t remember a day when he’s missed it. Now me on the other hand.. although I am back on track now, thanks to the Make Over Your Mornings course…
There were several months when I was getting up when my son woke me up, and that left no time for reading God’s word and praying in the morning. But, one morning I somehow snuck away for a few minutes.. probably in the bathroom! Ha! And, I picked up my husband’s Bible and was led to Psalm 112. It resonated with my spirit so much, that I left it open for my husband to read. Later that day, I asked him if he had a chance to read the scripture that I laid out for him. He just kind of laughed and said he had been reading Psalm 112 (along with a host of others) every morning for months! He then began to quote most of it..
Boy, did I feel like I had been left behind. But, I was so excited because I knew God was speaking to us and He wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I knew His will for us was prosperity. For it is written… “Wealth and riches are in their houses”! You really can’t misinterpret that one.. 😉
Psalm 35:27 says: “Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
Now, isn’t that awesome?! We serve a God who wants us to be prosperous! He is actually happy when we are. But, then again.. it just makes sense. Think about your kids. Don’t you want them to be blessed and prosperous? You don’t want to see them struggle. You find no pleasure in them wanting or needing something they don’t have. If you are like me, which I’m sure you are.. you take great pleasure in meeting all of your children’s needs! It is just the same for God, our Heavenly Father. His desire is for His children to want for nothing!
I could go on and on with scriptures that make it very clear that God wants us to be prosperous. He wants us to have more than enough. But, my prayer is that you will digest the few scriptures that I have given you here. And, then go on a prosperity hunt in God’s word! BibleGateway.com is a great resource. And, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, who can be found at www.KCM.org has a plethora of resources on prosperity.
And, please share your thoughts with me in the Comments! Is this a new concept to you?
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I think people often thing prosperity means selling out, or living a life not focused on God, but they don’t realize you can use that prosperity to bless others.
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Abby recently posted…Southern Fried Okra
Yes, exactly! And, that’s awesome.. I’ll definitely be back! 😉