[pinit]Hey there! How’s your week going? I’m a little behind in my posting.. but, I take total responsibility for that. This week got started a little different because my birthday was this past weekend. And, let’s just say we extended the celebration until Monday. Hey what can I say.. you only get a birthday once a year!! 😉
So, let’s dive right in on what I wanted to share with you today. I actually have a really cool and kinda creepy story for you.
I’m sure you’ve heard that there is power in speaking God’s Word. (aka Bible) And, hopefully you are daily speaking scripture over your life. If not, perhaps this post will encourage you to start!
A few years ago, my husband and I were renting a house. And, moving into a previously owned house has it’s pros and cons. One con is that you have noooo idea what the people before you did in that house. In other words, did they do something that could have invited evil spirits into the house? You never know… therefore it’s always important to bless the house before moving in and even anoint it with oil.
Honestly, I don’t remember if we had done this before or after the story I am going to share. But, I assure you we do this now when we move into a house. Even if it’s built new, like the one we’re living in now. In fact, on top of blessing the house, we even wrote scriptures and words of victory on the concrete while it was being built. But, that’s another story.
While we were living in this previous house, I had been introduced to a line of products called, Cling to Your Confession. They are basically vinyl pages with scriptures and positive confessions that you stick to your shower wall. The purpose is to speak these confessions each day while in the shower. They have several categories ranging from Finances, Marriage, Business, Protection, Healing, etc.
Being newly married, I purchased Marriage and Finances. And, the first morning I began speaking them, something strange happened.
We had a puppy at the time who was sleeping in his kennel right outside my bathroom door. It was about 6am, the house was dark and completely quiet. Until… I start speaking my confessions.
There is a line on the Finances cling that says… “I take authority of you Satan and command you to take your hands off my money and investments, in Jesus Name!” (I like to add in “off my family, my home, etc.”)
Well, guess what happened?!
When I began speaking this, our puppy began barking like crazy and going wild in his kennel! This totally freaked me out, but I just kept speaking God’s Word. Well, apparently this woke up my husband and he let the dog out of the kennel, only to witness something extremely freaky.
After I got out of my shower, my husband informed me that when he opened the door to Troy’s kennel, he started running around chasing something in the air, barking ferociously. He then chased this “something” to the front door, or should I say out the front door. Then he all of a sudden stopped barking and calmed down.
What was this? Well, if you ask me… Troy was chasing an evil spirit out of our house. In James 4:7, the Bible says that if we submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee. And, let me tell you.. that devil was fleeing that day!!
Now thankfully, we have not experienced anything like this since. But, I gotta tell you.. this sure showed us how powerful speaking these faith confessions are!!
What about you… do you have any stories like this? Are you new to speaking God’s Word or has this become a daily habit for you? Please share.. I would love to hear your stories!!
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I am a regular scripture reader but have not heard of the confessions before. What an interesting story. I’m glad everything turned out well for you! Stopping by from Women With Intention. Have a wonderful night!
Hi Kathryn! Thanks for stopping by.. 🙂 There is definitely power in speaking God’s promises over your life! You can call is it confessions, or as I typically refer to them as affirmations. It’s simply backing up your prayers with the words that come out of your mouth. 😉 Hopefully that helps!! Ttys!
In the Orthodox Church, we have a house blessing each year after Theophany (the Feast of Jesus’s Baptism), at which time waters are blessed. The priest comes to the house of each parishioner and prays with the family and then sprinkles holy water in each room of the house. The entire time we walk through the house, following Father and singing “When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bore witness to you, calling you his Beloved Son. And the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truthfulness of His words. For you have appeared, O Christ, granting the world great mercy.” A person also requests a house blessing when moving into a new house.
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…Day 8 of The 10 Days to a Tidy Home Challenge: Tidying the Bathroom
Hi Sarah! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 I always enjoy hearing about the traditions of the Orthodox Church. They seem to encourage a strong sense of community with the church. And, it sounds like they really help to create deep roots of faith in it’s parishioners. That is awesome that the Priest comes to each house to bless it. I rarely hear of that, but think it’s so very important! 😉