What are you frustrated about?
No, I’m not talking about your husband leaving his dishes on the table…again. And, no I’m not talking about your kids leaving their toys all over the floor…again.
What unfulfilled dream are you frustrated about? You know, that dream deep down inside that you were once so passionate about? The dream that once kept you up at night with so much intensity and excitement you could hardly stand it. That dream which fueled every step you took and directed every decision you made. That dream which at one point in your life nobody could take from you?
The dream which is now covered under layers of life. The dream which kind of just got swept aside till later. The dream which now looks impossible.
Yeah that one.
Did you know that God is the Dream Giver? He’s the one who gave you that desire.
You know what else?
God does not abort dreams.
No matter how many detours you think you’ve taken, God has a way back to the finish line. And, it’s time to get back on the track.
It’s time to ignite the fire inside. Strike the match. Light the wood. And, then fan that flame baby!!
God has a purpose for you. And, you will feel fulfilled when and only when you are pursuing that purpose.
But, whatever you do… don’t let doubt creep in. Choose to be a believer, not a doubter.
Shut the door on negativity. Say goodbye to negative people. Turn off the negative media.
And, tune into what God is saying to you. Listen. What direction does He want you to take?
Ask. Listen. Receive. And, then take the first step. I promise it will get easier after that. You will gain momentum. And, you will live the life you were called to live. Without regret.
So, what are you waiting for? The time is now.
And, share with us in the comments, not only what your “frustration” is, but what is your first step to fulfillment? There is power and accountability when you write it down!
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