Let me guess… you’re a Mom on a budget. And, your life would be way less stressful if you could just make an extra couple hundred dollars a month. You know this could be done with a part-time job, but who has time for that? You are looking for something that can be done on the fringe hours and doesn’t take a lot of money to start or maintain. You’ve looked all over the internet and are probably a little frustrated, because it’s so tough to figure out what is legit and what’s a scam.
You’re not alone.
Mom’s everywhere are looking for just a little breathing room. They just want more money than month, as opposed to running out of money before the month’s over.
This actually works to your benefit and creates an opportunity for you.
What if you had an answer for them?
Now, I know you’re probably wondering how you could have an answer for them when you’re still looking for an answer yourself.
Very simply, it’s called Network Marketing. Or some refer to it as Direct Sales.
And, before you click to another post, hear me out. There are many people in society today doing some form of Direct Sales and/or Network Marketing. But, they are doing it all wrong. They are taking their personal “social” media platforms and are trying to force them into pushy sales pages. And, they are turning a bunch of people off in the process.
However, just because there are a ton of amateurs spinning their tires and getting no where, does not mean that Direct Sales is not a viable option for you. Perhaps instead of following the masses, you could actually become a “professional” in the industry. Maybe instead of jumping right in and following the masses, you could take some time and actually educate yourself. On Business. On Personality Types. On Sales.
You could learn to “think” like an entrepreneur. And, you could learn how to effectively market products and services in today’s economy. And, you could be one of the few who become successful and respected in the industry.
Now, when you go through the above process and you start to really study the Network Marketing and/or Direct Sales Industry, you’ll begin to realize that you have your hands on a one-of-a-kind opportunity. And, if you don’t want to take my word on it, maybe you want to hear Robert Kiyosaki’s take on the subject in his book, The Business of the 21st Century.
In the meantime, let me share with you 4 reasons why the Network Marketing and/or Direct Sales Industry provides the best business opportunity for you.
- You have the opportunity to start a business for less than a month’s cable bill. This is absolutely unheard of in the traditional business world. Typically, people have to take out large loans in order to start their own business. In other words, the risk of a high capital investment is removed.
- You can monthly maintain your business by spending money that you would spend anyway, by buying products from your own business. This too is an anomaly, as most companies have a very high monthly overhead.
- You call the shots and build it on your chosen schedule. Because your business exists exclusively online, your “store” is open 24/7, and you don’t have to show up to a brick and mortar location in order to conduct business.
- You have the opportunity to sponsor other people in business. This creates a win-win situation, because as you help them to succeed, you in turn succeed. So, instead of just listening to your friend’s money woes, you will now have an answer for them. And, instead of simply giving them a hand out, you can give them a hand up.
There are more opportunities in the marketplace than there has ever been. And, people are more aware and more comfortable with Direct Sales than ever before. This is what you could call a Perfect Storm. But, it will be up to you to go out there and seize the opportunity. Do your Due Diligence. Educate yourself. And, win in your own business!
>>>P.S. Have you signed up for our FREE 5 day e-course? We walk you through 5 proven principles to help jump-start your business and set you up for success!
Just click the image below to enroll! 🙂
Hi, Ciara! Do you have any specific companies to recommend? And, I love the site redesign. Everything looks so bright and clean. I’m going to be doing a redesign in August, and I’m dreading it. 🙂
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…A Review of Queen Abigail the Wise
Hey there! My only suggestion is to do your due diligence. 🙂 I wrote a post titled “Are You Joining the Right Direct Sales Company“, which contains a lot of info on picking the right one. 😉 Thanks for the compliment! And, have fun with the site redesign.. mine wasn’t bad at all!