Have you noticed that every time you turn around, a friend is joining a new Direct Sales (or MLM) company? In one sense, it is refreshing to see that the general population is becoming more entrepreneurial minded and accepting of the network marketing industry. In another sense, it is quite frustrating to watch it all play out. Now why do I say that? Because, what I know is that the majority of these people will soon have their hopes thwarted.. due to lack of training, thus leading to a lack of success, which will lead to discouragement and then to quitting. I … [Read more...]
How To Start a Blog
How to start a Blog [pinit]Have you ever wondered how to start a blog, but had NO idea where to start? Yeah, that was me a few months ago. I have been trying to figure out how to start a blog for several years. (See my previous post on starting a blog) But, I thought that it was too complicated. Well, that is partially true. Now I don’t want to discourage you, but one thing you must know is that blogging is waaaay more complicated that one may think. I’m not sure exactly what I initially thought, but it went something like this.. I will buy a domain name … [Read more...]
Finding Favor | Part 2
[pinit]Hello Lovely Ladies!! I hope you have been enjoying the Holiday Season so far! I just love this time of year! Although if I could change one thing here in Florida… it would be the weather. Yes, yes it is beautiful down here. And, I know people live down here because they love warm weather. But… come on already, 90 degrees in November?! Sheesh! I have one whole side of my closet that is begging me to wear it, but they all have long sleeves. And, let me tell you.. a sweater in this heat, running around, chasing a Toddler would make for a very hot mama! And, I’m … [Read more...]
Personalities- Simplified
Would you believe me if I said you could eliminate 90% of the conflict from your life? It’s true! And, easy… ;) How? You may ask.. By enhancing your ability to communicate with people. When you come to realize that there are 4 basic personality styles in the world and learn how to identify them, the way you relate to other people will completely change! It will give you a newfound appreciation for the people in your life. And, what used to annoy and frustrate you about certain people, will now make you chuckle. ;) Honestly, when I was first introduced to … [Read more...]
God Wants You to Be Prosperous
[pinit]Did you know that God wants you to be prosperous? It’s true! And, if you don’t believe me, sit back as I line it up with Scripture. ;) So often, Christians in the church community think that poverty is synonymous with humility. But, actually just the opposite is true. John 10:10 says that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus didn’t say that He came so that we can live a life of mediocrity and barely getting by. In the book, From Faith to Faith- A Daily Guide to Victory….Kenneth Copeland says that oftentimes people will … [Read more...]
Finding Favor
[pinit]Hey there Favored Friends!! We are going to start a NEW series called Finding Favor!! Gotta love all the F's right?! Ha! Each day I am going on a hunt for God's Favor in my life. I KNOW His Favor surrounds me every day.. but, I also know there are times when I miss it. And, as I share, you'll see there are a lot of simple things that could be snuffed off as a coincidence or maybe "luck". But, I know better. I know the source.. and better yet, I know who my source is. Source of provision, source of protection, source of wisdom, source or joy, source of … [Read more...]