Did you know that God promises Supernatural protection to you and your family? It’s true! As a believer of Jesus Christ, you have been born again into the family of God. And, God’s word becomes your covenant. However, it is up to us to become educated and familiarized with the covenant we have with God. In case this is all new to you and you don’t really understand what a covenant is.. here is a definition. Covenant—An unbreakable agreement between two parties that have joined together as one to support, provide, protect and defend each other. A Covenant is an … [Read more...]
Have You Created a War Room?
WAR ROOM | THE POWER OF PRAYER Hey hey!! Have you seen the movie, the War Room? My sister sent it to me for my birthday. And, let me tell you.. what an awesome gift! I had heard about the movie when it was in the theaters, but didn’t know too much about it. My husband and I actually don’t really like going out to the movies, so didn’t even consider going to see it. Strange right? There are several reasons, but one I would say is the comfort factor. It’s waaaay more comfortable to watch a movie on your own couch in your pjs, then to sit upright, surrounded by a … [Read more...]
Cling to Your Confession
[pinit]Hey there! How’s your week going? I’m a little behind in my posting.. but, I take total responsibility for that. This week got started a little different because my birthday was this past weekend. And, let’s just say we extended the celebration until Monday. Hey what can I say.. you only get a birthday once a year!! ;) So, let’s dive right in on what I wanted to share with you today. I actually have a really cool and kinda creepy story for you. I’m sure you’ve heard that there is power in speaking God’s Word. (aka Bible) And, hopefully you are daily … [Read more...]
Power in Your Words | Part I
[pinit]Hello Favored Friend! I have a challenge for you today. I know what you’re going to say.. .. didn’t your last two posts challenge us?! Yes, yes they did! But, I have found that if we want “change” in our life, then we must change. So, are you ready for this? The post is going to challenge you to pay attention to the words that come out of your mouth. No, I mean really pay attention. I am going to give you 5 phrases that I can almost guarantee you have spoken before. Or at least a very similar variation. The challenge will be to STOP saying them. … [Read more...]
Finding Favor | Part 2
[pinit]Hello Lovely Ladies!! I hope you have been enjoying the Holiday Season so far! I just love this time of year! Although if I could change one thing here in Florida… it would be the weather. Yes, yes it is beautiful down here. And, I know people live down here because they love warm weather. But… come on already, 90 degrees in November?! Sheesh! I have one whole side of my closet that is begging me to wear it, but they all have long sleeves. And, let me tell you.. a sweater in this heat, running around, chasing a Toddler would make for a very hot mama! And, I’m … [Read more...]
What Does a Rabid Fox and a Gluten-filled Toddler Have in Common?
[pinit]I must admit…I never in a million years thought I would be making this comparison. And, honestly, I'm still shocked that I'm writing this. But, after my last day and a half, I can’t help talk about it! Yesterday proved to be a very eventful day.. one that I honestly do not want to repeat. I walked outside about 4:30pm to get the mail and on the sidewalk was sitting a Fox! Now, I must tell you, that although we live on a beautiful conservation lot, with woods behind us.. we also live in a cul-de-sac in a subdivision. So, for a Fox to greet me in the broad … [Read more...]