[pinit]Do you ever wish the weather would cooperate with you plans? You know, not rain when you have plans outdoors. If you live in Florida, you know what I'm talking about. The Sunshine State sometimes likes to rain.. A LOT. And, this has the potential to impede upon your outdoor activities.. if you let it. What do I mean by that? Well.. since I was in my early twenties, when it comes to the weather, I have had what I use to call.. "connections with the Man upstairs." Now I call it Favor. ;) I'll explain.. I used to work for the Clerk of the Circuit Court in … [Read more...]
30 Faith Filled Affirmations for Your Marriage
Here we go again ladies! If you have been reading this blog for a couple months, you will remember 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband and 31 Days of Praying for Your Children. Now, we have 30 days of Faith Filled Affirmations for Your Marriage! This challenge is inspired by Proverbs 18:21..."The tongue has the power of life and death.." Our words are so important! They can lift people up or they can tear people down. They can draw people close or they can push them away. They can breath life into a situation, or they can... well.. do the opposite. I think … [Read more...]
Must Have Resource for Mompreneurs!
[pinit]Have you ever felt like you were in the right place at the right time? That's how I felt last Tuesday night about 9pm. I was feeling kind of discouraged about not being further along with my blog. So, I reached out to a fellow blogger and new friend of mine, Sarah at The Orthodox Mama. She offered me some very helpful advice and she also promoted the Money Saving Mom blog as a good resource to learn from. So, I decided to pop on over to check her out, when I came upon a promotion for Crystal Paine's 14 day Course, *Make Over Your Mornings. I was so excited, … [Read more...]
Today I will..
[pinit]Today I will become better. Today I will forgive. Today I will grow. Today I will make healthy choices. Today I will love. Today I will move closer to my dreams. Today I will dream bigger. Today I will focus on the positive. Today I will be a blessing to those around me. Today I will live with purpose. I will enjoy today... and, I will make it count! [wysija_form id="1"] … [Read more...]
Try Softer
[pinit]As, I am sitting here at 10pm, just starting to work on my blog for the day. I am overwhelmed by the thought that I should have gotten more done by now. Being new to the blogging world, my "to do list" seems to grow by the day. And, I keep telling myself that if I just "Try Harder" tomorrow, then I will get more done. But, guess what? I sat here, last night at about the same time and thought the same thing. But, I gotta tell you... I give my best to every single day. So, clearly that is not the answer. Thankfully though, I am reminded of some wise … [Read more...]
31 Days of Praying for Your Children
Hey Favored Friend! Did you who read my post on 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband? If so, you'll remember how awesome and empowering the daily messages were. And, I can say that, because somebody else wrote them! ;) Well, now we have been extra blessed, because the same group that created 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband has now rolled out 31 Days of Praying for Your Children! And, I could not be more thrilled about it. :) My husband and I read a devotional by Joseph Prince, called *Destined to Reign. And, on one of the days, he explains how Orthodox Jews … [Read more...]
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