A couple years ago, I attended an event where John Maxwell was one of the featured speakers. And, that day he taught a lesson and gave an illustration that will forever stay on the minds of all the people present. The main point he made is that it’s not what you do one day that counts, it’s what you do everyday. And, a little bit everyday is better than a lot one day. https://youtu.be/Kfss0-ZvSXI John Maxwell said that if he could teach one principle to people and that would be the one principle they need to be successful… He would teach them the Rule of … [Read more...]
Quick Fix for an Instant Attitude Adjustment
Hey there Favored Friends! Have you ever had ONE OF THOSE DAYS? Yeah, you know…just one of those days where it seems that everything irritates you. And, you can’t quite put your finger on why. Well yesterday was one of those days for me. Now, I gotta admit this doesn’t happen too often for me. But, when it does I have a quick fix for an instant attitude adjustment. Woohoo! Are you ready for this? It comes in a can and a pill. And, I promise it’s legal and healthy! Ha! https://youtu.be/Q1kXq4dD6ic Very simply friends… if you are feeling a little … [Read more...]
How Curious George Helps Me Be a Better Mama
Alright… who has seen Curious George? If I were to guess, probably everybody! Well, in our house George is playing on Netflix on a pretty regular basis. Like, say.. everyday. ;) Eli looooves George! And, quite frankly, so do my husband and I! Now granted, we probably have our own reasons for enjoying this show. But, let me share with you one of mine. https://youtu.be/UjVhnzh4-ZU This is going to sound crazy to some of you. But, The Man with the Yellow Hat actually helps me be a better mom. Seriously.. follow me here. Have you ever studied his demeanor? His … [Read more...]
Healthy Hacks- How to Get Your Toddler to Eat Vegetables
Hey ladies! Soooo, does your Baby and/or Toddler love vegetables?! Well, mine did… until a few months ago. And, then he all of a sudden started getting an opinion! Imagine that! Yup. I used to be able to feed him any ole “green mush” (what my husband calls it) and Eli would scarf it down! But, it’s almost as if he just now is developing his taste buds. Because now he prefers green mush with flavor! Ha! Easier said than done sometimes.. However, we all know it’s important for our kids to eat their vegetables. So, that poses the question of HOW? Simply put… … [Read more...]
Finding Favor | Part 3
Check this out… our God is Good! Scratch that.. our God is GREAT!!! Do you agree? If your faith is a little shaky at the moment, hopefully it will steady out here in the next few paragraphs, as I share with you a couple stories of God’s Favor. https://youtu.be/d-ou2UkNyEQ Favor Moment #1- This is an easy one. Does anyone out there have an electric payment due every month? Perhaps my lovely northern friends have a gas bill? Ours is typically in the $150 range. Not a big deal, but definitely significant. Well, guess what? We did not have a payment due in … [Read more...]
Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller
Have you ever looked at your child's stroller and thought "Oh my goodness, this thing needs washing sooo bad?!" Well I had that same thought about a hundred times before I actually did something about it! Now what stopped me before? I had nooo idea how to take the cover off our Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller.. in fact, I wondered if it even would come off...?? But, then.. I had to wash my son's car seat for the first time. (Be sure to check that video out!) And, once I did that, I figured.. hey I may as well wash everything! So, I got my iPad out and starting looking … [Read more...]