[pinit]As a preface, this post is not Anti-Vaccine, nor is it Pro-Vaccine. The purpose of this post is to simply help educate parents before they make the decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, as either decision has potential consequences. With that being said… here we go!
I’ve always been a label reader. And, I really stepped up my melancholic game once I became pregnant with Eli. Once he started eating solid foods, my “detail-itis” went into overdrive. I want to know every ingredient in the foods that he consumes. Why? Because what we intake into our body has an effect. No I’m not perfect… But, I want to make sure to give him the best possible start to life and put all odds in his favor. That being said, when the subject of vaccines came up before Eli made his grand appearance into this world, I wanted to know every ingredient and the pros and cons.
So, my husband and I attended a two hour vaccine course that Eli’s soon to be Pediatrician was facilitating. Now, I’m not going to go into the good, the bad or the ugly…Trust me, I would not dare to get into a debate with anybody on this topic. Why? Because it would be futile. And, it is not my goal to tell anyone else what decision to make for their child. My goal is to simply to present information. No opinions will be offered here today. Instead, my encouragement is for you to educate yourself and ask questions. Know what effects certain ingredients could have on your child. And, ask if there is anything they could take to lessen any potential negative side effects. For example, for those parents who choose vaccines, my Pediatrician requires the child to take certain “herbaceuticals” before being administered particular vaccines, so as to boost their immune system and hopefully cut down on any negative side effects. If your Pediatrician does not offer this, feel free to email directly and I
would be happy to forward you more information. Below you will see a list of the current vaccines that are being administered. You will also find all of the ingredients in each one. If you have never heard of some of the ingredients, feel free to google them. It may surprise you.
Take the information and do what you may with it. Hopefully this can be a good resource on your journey to being an educated parent. 🙂
Disclaimer- This is 3rd party information obtained from my son’s Pediatrician. I am not a medical Doctor. Nor am I a scientist. Therefore, I have not dissected any of these vaccines in a lab to verify the accuracy.
Also, please note: These are scanned images. In order to effectively view the small print, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the photo and click “view full size”. At that point, you can then zoom in or out. 😉 [pinit]
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- Vaccines- Page 2
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