[pinit]Hey there Favored Friends!! We are going to start a NEW series called Finding Favor!! Gotta love all the F’s right?! Ha! Each day I am going on a hunt for God’s Favor in my life.
I KNOW His Favor surrounds me every day.. but, I also know there are times when I miss it. And, as I share, you’ll see there are a lot of simple things that could be snuffed off as a coincidence or maybe “luck”. But, I know better. I know the source.. and better yet, I know who my source is. Source of provision, source of protection, source of wisdom, source or joy, source of peace.. I could go on and on!
And, speaking of Favor.. God just showed up again! I wanted to reference a few scriptures in the Bible on Favor, so I typed it in www.BibleGateway.com. And, lo and behold the first thing that popped up as my “suggested result” was Isaiah 61! Now, for anyone who has read my Meet the Mom page, you will know why this is so awesome!
Several years ago, God led me to Isaiah 61 three times in a row. And, it was made abundantly clear that this was my purpose and God had indeed anointed me to fulfill it. Now the funny thing is that at first I was not sure what He was talking about. I was wondering if He was calling me to some sort of prison ministry..?? Well thankfully, that was not it. Not yet, any way. Whew!
Well it wasn’t long after that when I was introduced to a Business Team, who had made it their mission to help other people out of financial bondage, by setting them up in business for themselves. And, let me tell you… at that point in my life, I was experiencing some serious financial hardships. And, I did not know what to do about it. But, the awesome thing is that this group of entrepreneurs was and still is committed to teaching, training and coaching each person in running and operating successful businesses. It seemed like a total no brainer to me, so I linked up with them. And, my oh my have I have learned a tremendous amount from them that has completely changed my life!
Buuuut, I have gotten off topic. If you would like to know more about how to go into business for yourself, check out my Start Your Own Business page. And, also check out my post on Books That Have Changed My Life.
Now, back to Finding Favor. 🙂
Let’s jump right in and check out a few of the little “coincidences” in my life lately. 😉
The other day, I had a package to take to the Post Office. Seems like a simple thing to do, right? Not so much.. We really don’t live near a Post Office. And, the closest one is waaay out of the way from anything else. But, none the less, I needed to drop something off, so I decided to do it while out and about. Well guess what?
As soon as I load Eli in the car and get ready to pull up, the Mailman pulls up!! Woohoo! I jumped back out of the car and kindly asked him if he would take the package for me. And, he did! I was so excited! Sounds simple and I know some people wouldn’t think too much about it. But, I know that was simply God’s favor shining down on me and making my day a little easier.
Let’s move onto another example. Let me preface by saying… we buy the majority of our household products online. Why? Because companies pay us to do it and usually the best products are only available exclusively online, as opposed to sitting on a retailer’s shelf. But, whatever the case, when my husband was placing our weekly order, I had forgot to tell him that I was all out of Conditioner. Now ladies.. you and I both know that to run out of Conditioner for your hair is quite the predicament. Especially since I will only use one brand. One, because it’s the best and the only thing that works for my hair. And, two because it is the only brand that pays me.
Well I was extremely frustrated, to say the least. I was standing in the bathroom, wondering what I was going to do. And, then the thought came… “look under the sink, there is a full bottle”. I did not know how that would be possible, but I listened. And, guess what?
There was a full bottle of Conditioner sitting under there!! At first I did not know where it came from.. but, then I remember that several weeks back, my husband had accidently ordered two bottles at the same time. Again.. sounds simple. But, what I see is that God was providing for my need even before I knew I had it. When we got the two bottles of Conditioner, we thought it was a mistake and a waste of money. But, now I know it was simply God’s favor and provision.
Ok… here is the next example.. This weekend Eli and I were going to stay at the Grandparents house who live just over an hour away. And, all of you who have kids understand what a feat it can be to get out of the house for a simple overnight adventure. So, I am packing up the car, trying to stay on schedule, when I realize that I need to get gas. Shucks! Doesn’t sound like a big deal.. but it is out of the way and adds extra time to the commute. (Not always a good thing with a 16 month old in the car.) None the less, gotta do what you gotta do. So, we finally hop into the packed car, turn it on… And, guess what?
I had more than enough gas to get to my destination and back! I immediately knew this was God’s favor, because I distinctly remember having very little gas in my car the last time I got out. I’m telling ya… it’s the little things that sometimes make the big difference. 🙂
Alright.. are you ready for a couple more? The reason Eli and I were staying at the Grandparents this weekend was to go to a Bridal Shower near that side of town. So, on Saturday we drive over there. I had of course picked out an adorable outfit for Eli and an awesome hat to match! But, as I was getting Eli out of the car.. with the gift.. and his diaper bag.. and my purse… etc. Through all the juggling, Eli’s hat fell into a puddle! I quickly fetched the hat out, almost wanting to cry because his outfit needed his hat. Well guess what?
To my amazement, the hat was completely dry! I looked down at the puddle again to verify that it was actually there. And, sure enough.. there it was. So what was this? Well if you ask me.. it was God’s favor. Although it was a simple thing, He knows my heart and knew that I really wanted Eli to wear his hat to the party. You gotta love a God that cares about the “little things”. 😉
Okie dokie.. I will share one more Favor Moment for this week. This is actually a really big deal for us. But, first I must make a confession. In the past, I have had the habit of procrastinating on filing taxes. We are small business owners and have a ton of write offs.. and let’s just say we are still working on keeping good records. Eeek! Well, as we all know taxes are due April 15th. That is, unless you file an extension and then you have until October 15th. Well, I kinda of waited to the 2nd week in October to get started. But, either way, I got it done and submitted the info to our accountant. And, guess what?
She sent the paperwork back for us to sign and I saw that we were getting a very large tax refund!! I was shocked and overjoyed! I was in no way expecting this.. but it turns out we had some unexpected tax perks! Anyway, I am still over the top thrilled about this one. And, I honestly still feel kind of silly that I had waited so long to file. But, either way, I see this totally as God’s Favor!!
So, what does all of this mean to you? Well I believe as a child of God, His favor is available to you as well. My encouragement is for you to take a look around in your own life and ask God to show you His Favor. He will! And, when He does, please come back here and share! And, as I say all of this, I don’t want you to think that I have “arrived” as far as all of this is concerned. I am still building this habit into my life. But, I look forward to growing in this process and sharing more Favor Moments with you! 🙂
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