Hello sweet favored friend! How is life treating you? Or, perhaps I should ask how are you treating life? Interesting question. I wonder how people approach each day. Do some people wake up each day and dread what’s in front of them and therefore have a dreadful day? Or, do they wake up each day with a spring in their step and joy in their heart expecting the impossible to happen?
Personally, I vote for the second option. Although I will admit it’s not always the easiest thing to do. But, I believe whatever we focus on in life we will get more of. So, I challenge you today to focus what you would like more of. Focus on the Favor, is what I like to say.
And, in keeping with my own advice, I am going to share with you a recent Favor Moment from my life. Now, there are a few other Favor posts from the last several months, if you need an extra dose of encouragement today! See them here.. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 But, for right now… check this out! >>>>
I’ve been challenged lately to expect the unexpected. What do I mean? Well, I think sometimes we tend to keep God in a box, whether intentionally or subconsciously. Basically that means we have small thinking. We limit our faith to what we can conceive happening. If we can with our finite mind picture all the pieces coming together for a certain situation, then we can believe it will happen. But, where is the faith in that?
There’s really not any. And, scripture clearly says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) I don’t know about you, but I want to please God. And, I want to receive all that He has for me! That being said, the other day I was walking to the mailbox. Or, what my husband and I like to refer to as the “money box”. 😉 You see, almost everyday I get the mail, I thank God for checks in the mail. And, then my mind automatically starts thinking of different sources that we could receive checks from.
But, this one particular day when I was doing this, I felt God impress upon me to thank Him for “unexpected” checks in the mail. So, I stopped at the money box and said, “Thank You God for UNEXPECTED checks in the mail!!” And, would you know that when I opened the mail there was a check for $771?! Totally unexpected source. Praise God!! And, you know one of the coolest parts about it is that we didn’t even need the money. Now, let me tell you there was a time in life when we would’ve desperately neeeeded this money! But, this was simply God blessing us above and beyond. And, let me tell you I am sooooo very grateful!!
God is so good and I believe one of His greatest desires is to bless His children more! Think about it… don’t you always want to bless your children more and more?! You don’t want them to “just have enough”. You want their hopes, dreams and desires to be met… and then some!
Well, it’s time we all start believing for the “then some”!!
I love that perspective shift–to think about how WE are treat life!
Thanks so much Elsie! 🙂 It’s definitely a question I have to ask myself!