Did you know that God promises Supernatural protection to you and your family? It’s true! As a believer of Jesus Christ, you have been born again into the family of God. And, God’s word becomes your covenant. However, it is up to us to become educated and familiarized with the covenant we have with God.
In case this is all new to you and you don’t really understand what a covenant is.. here is a definition.
Covenant—An unbreakable agreement between two parties that have joined together as one to support, provide, protect and defend each other.
A Covenant is an agreement. And, part of our “agreement” with God is a Promise of Protection. When you step back and think about this one, you’ll realize that it just simply makes sense.
Most likely if you are reading this, you have children. Would you do ANYTHING to keep your child safe? I mean ANYTHING?! Would you go to any length to make them well if they were sick? Of course you would! You love them. It makes you happy to see them healthy, happy and whole.
Well, guess what? It’s the same way with God. He is our Heavenly Father. And, He would do ANYTHING to keep us safe and make us well.
Many people think that all God promises is forgiveness of our sins and a ticket into Heaven. But, that is simply not true. God has promised us Victory on Earth as well.
But, in order to live in victory here on earth, you then have to become familiar with His word and what is available to you and what is yours.
So, why do so many Christians live with disease and experience a life of defeat?
They either don’t know what is promised to them in the Bible, because they haven’t taken the time to study it.
Or, they simply don’t believe it. (I will be going more in depth on this point in a future post.)
Let’s take a look at a couple scriptures from the Bible.
Psalm 91 says that he who dwells in the the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. It says He is our refuge and our fortress… He will save us from the fowler’s snare and the deadly pestilence…
The promises alone in this Psalm are worth reading every day. Print it out. Stand on them in faith!
But, that’s not all.. let’s take a look at Psalm 103… He forgives all of our iniquities. He heals all our diseases. He redeems our life from destruction. Our youth is renewed like the eagles. He redeems our life from destruction. He protects us from death.
Did you catch that? Not only does God forgive our iniquities. He heals ALL our diseases. He redeems our life from destruction. He protects us from death! These are AMAZING promises!! Yes, we have a Father in heaven who has our back. So, even if your earthly father is/was not a part of your life, you have a Heavenly Father who you can count on. Praise the Lord!!
I think where people fall short is not in their prayers, but in what they actually believe. In other words, what are they speaking? What is coming out of their mouth? Do their words line up with their prayers. This is soooo important and many people do not even think about it. They may pray for healing one moment and then turn around and broadcast and give life to their illness the next moment.
You can pray, but if you say something different, you’re not making a clear message. You have to say what you pray. If you leave the place of faith and talk fear and doubt, it won’t work.
There is a place in God that satan cannot come. And, that place is faith.
Proverbs 19:23 says “.. the fear of the Lord leads to life. Then one rests content, untouched by trouble.”
To break it down for those who don’t understand what “Fear” means in the Bible. Fear means to Honor God. To Reverence Him. So, other words, if we obey Him, speak right, live right, act right, stand in faith, speak in faith, we’re protected everywhere we go.
These words bring such peace to me!! To know… to really know that we don’t have anything to worry about is a wonderful place to be. To know that my family is protected and no calamity can come near us… wow, nothing can beat that!
I John 5:18 (KJV) says “.. the wicked one touches us not.” BAM! The devil has no right, no power, no authority to touch us! We are God’s property! Man I get so excited about this stuff! Why? Because I actually believe it!
Galations 3:13 says “…God has redeemed us from the curse of the law.”
We are redeemed. There is a wall of protection that separates us from the corruption that is in the world. But, we have to take our place.
Proverbs 1:33 (NIV ): “But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”
Proverbs 19:23 (NIV): “ The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.” a. NLT: “Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.”
This is our covenant with God. We have to take it! We have to be obedient. God gave us the word, so we could live free, we could live blessed. We could live unhindered.
Isaiah 54:17 (AMP): “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper…”
Friend.. the promises of protection in scripture go on and on! I could not possibly share them all with you in one post. But, I encourage you to seek (research) them out for yourself. And, stand strong. Stand tall, knowing that God has angels surrounding you, watching your every step. And, I’m not talking wimpy angels that you see on TV. God’s has an army of angels taller than you could ever imagine with swords and any other weapon they need. We serve a mighty God!
And, last but not least, remember you cannot walk in fear and faith at the same time. When faced with a difficult situation, you’re gonna have to walk in faith. You can’t do both. You need to make a choice. I’m going to walk in faith, in Jesus Name!
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Hello, friend. I would add that, yes God protects us. However, sometimes his protection means letting us experience difficulties for the sake of our salvation and sanctification. Christ promised us that we would experience suffering and persecution in this world. However, he also promised to be with us through it. There have been two thousand years of martyrs for the faith–people who died for their belief in God. They didn’t lack faith–they had it in abundance. They have entered the Kingdom as victors.
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…5 Ways We Saved in January
Hi Sarah! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 You bring up a very interesting point. And, today I was actually just listening to a lifetime missionary talk about this very topic on the Believers Voice of Victory. He became a missionary about 40 years ago when he was 18. When he entered the mission field in the jungles of Panama, he was told that he would get sick, suffer and eventually die out there. He believed the people who told him this and actually became very ill and had to come back to the states. Realizing that he was no good on the mission field, sick and on his death bed, he sought God’s heart on the matter. It became evident that what he had been taught by what seemed to be well meaning “church people”, was actually not according to God’s will. He learned that God meant for him to be well and prosperous so that he could effectively serve others. He then gave a very good example that really brought things home for me. As a Christian we are all part of God’s army. And, just like in a military army, a General would never kill any of his troops. That would be a horrible military strategy and simply not make any sense. A General protects his people no matter what. Well, it is the same way with God. He is our “General” so to speak. And, He has promised in His word to protect us and keep us from harm. But, if somebody believes they are going to die, even for the faith.. that is a path they chose. It doesn’t mean that it was God’s will for them to die. But, I know this is a tough topic that many disagree over. :/ Thank you for sharing your view point! I always enjoy your delightful additions. 🙂