We’ve all seen them.
Probably on facebook.
You know the person who wants to broadcast all of their woes. Their sicknesses. Their child’s bowel movements. Every irritation they come across, each and every day.
They seem to have an intense desire to magnify the negative. Whether it be a little bit of traffic, cold weather or a product they bought that doesn’t quite meet their specification.
This is becoming more and more prevalent on social media. And, I gotta tell you… It is time for us all to have an attitude checkup.
As Christians, we are called to live in Victory. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. He didn’t come so that we can be sick and miserable and complaining to everybody around us.
Tell me… what good does that do? Who does that serve? Does that give Glory to our Creator? Does that make others want to live like us? Does that draw people closer to Jesus?
Or could it maybe be doing the opposite? Could it be pushing people away?
Think about it.
If a person is just stumbling through life, trying to find their way. And, they are looking for truth. They just want to be happy. They want to experience true joy in their life and in their relationships. They want to be healthy and prosperous. And, they’re looking for answers.
If somebody was in that position… ask yourself… Would they think YOU must have their answer. Would they think…
“This person lives with joy. This person lives with purpose. This person gets up everyday and has an awesome attitude. This person has a faith so strong that nothing can penetrate it!
I want to be like this person. I want my life to have joy and meaning and purpose. I want to be excited and have a positive mindset.
I am going to ask this person… what is so special about them? What is different about them? What makes them always have a positive outlook? And, what makes good things always seem to happen in their life?”
Friend… let me challenge you today. And, ask you a question.
Would an unbeliever come to YOU for answers? Or would they be running the other way?
Live a life worthy of your calling. Practice what you preach. Open up the Word of God. And, then live it in your everyday life.
I promise.. not only will you find more happiness and joy that won’t be based on your circumstances. But, you will be spreading happiness and joy and love to those around you.
And, then my friend… YOU will be making a difference. And, YOU will be making your days count. And, YOU will be making your life count.
Till next time… Be Blessed and Be a Blessing. 🙂
Absolutely love this post and your message! You’re absolutely correct in that too many of us claim to be Christians, but we look miserable, lol. And all too often we’re martyrs of situations we create, trying to be everything to everybody. Cheers to you for calling us out!
Hey Paige! Thanks for stopping by! And, many thanks for the compliment. =) Ohhh and what you said is sooo true! (Situations we create… ) I could write a whole other post on that topic alone.. 😉