Would you believe me if I said you could eliminate 90% of the conflict from your life?
It’s true! And, easy… 😉 How? You may ask..
By enhancing your ability to communicate with people.
When you come to realize that there are 4 basic personality styles in the world and learn how to identify them, the way you relate to other people will completely change! It will give you a newfound appreciation for the people in your life. And, what used to annoy and frustrate you about certain people, will now make you chuckle. 😉
Honestly, when I was first introduced to this information, I asked myself.. “Why on earth is this not taught in school?” This is pretty much life changing information! Well, none the less, I am grateful that I learned this in my early twenties. And, I am going to share it with you today.
Please note: There are 2 types of teaching combined here. The DISC model is taught by Robert Rohm. And, you can find his book, Positive Personality Profiles, here. The 2nd model, which refers to the terms Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Melancholic is taught by Florence Littauer. And, you can find her book, Personality Plus, here.
Now, let’s jump right in!
There are tests that you can take in order to properly identify your personality. (And, I do recommend them in either of the above author’s materials.) However, I am going to hopefully simplify it for you today and help you at least identify your primary personality trait. By looking at the chart above, first decide if you are “Outgoing” or “Reserved”.
Then decide if you are “Task Oriented” or “People Oriented”. Whatever quadrant you find yourself in will be your dominant personality trait. However, we all usually are comprised of 2 different traits. For example, my primary trait is D (Choleric). But, my secondary personality trait is C (Melancholic).
Below you will find the characteristics of each of the 4 personality styles. As you read through the information, you should be able to easily identify your tendencies. But, if not, grab a friend and ask them!
And, at the end I have a clever way to find out for sure. 😉
1.Choleric– Outgoing & Task Oriented
D: Dominant, Determined, Direct, Demanding, Decisive, Driven, Doer
Cholerics are:
Goal Oriented, Performance Conscious, Hard to please, Self-confident, Industrious, Firm
Cholerics want: Control and Choices
Don’t Like: Indecision, Slow people, Talkers who don’t produce, Lazy people, Detailed activities, Taking orders
Under Control | Out of Control |
Quick to Respond Goal-oriented Results-oriented Deliberate Self-confident Direct Self-reliant Straightforward Competitive |
Rude Impatient Pushy Dictatorial Conceited Offensive Arrogant Abrasive Ruthless |
Attitudes and Preferences:
Likes to win, Likes to plan for the future, Likes new ideas, Likes results, Likes to be their own boss, Likes to move fast, Likes a challenge
Communication Tips:
Think in terms of WHAT?
Talk big picture, then details, Get to the main point, Focus on action-based results, Be brief & specific, Overcome obstacles, Provide challenge, rather than giving orders
Cholerics want you to be:
Quick, Specific, To the point, A Winner
Techniques for working with Cholerics in the Business World:
Be brief, be brilliant and be gone, Stress Opportunity, Be credible, Be efficient & businesslike, Clarify goals, Don’t waste time, Look at the bottom line, Be prepared & organized, Ask questions, Solve problems & objections
Value they bring to an Organization:
Provide adventure, Brings determination, Uses creativity, Stresses motivation
Natural tendency:
If it is to be, it’s up to me! My way or the highway. What’s the bottom line?
Identifying Choleric Friends:
These are the friends who unknowingly offend you at least once every conversation. (Just kidding.. kinda ;))
2. Sanguine – Outgoing & People Oriented
I: Inspiring, Influencing, Impressionable, Interactive, Involved, Impressive, Interesting, Impulsive, Illogical
Sanguines are: Expressive, Fun to watch, Great starters, Poor finishers, Likeable, Prone to exaggerate, Easily excitable
Wants: Attention & Approval
Don’t Like: Being ignored, Being isolated, Being ridiculed, Repetitive tasks, Detail work, Long-term projects
Under Control | Out of Control |
Persuasive Excited Communicative Spontaneous Outgoing Fervent Involved Imaginative Warm/friendly |
Manipulative Emotional Gossipy Impulsive Unfocused Excitable Directionless Daydreaming Purposeless |
Attitudes & Preferences
Likes to be liked, Likes to express ideas & feelings, Likes being part of a group, Likes surprises, Likes social activity & fun, Likes recognition
Communication Tips:
Think in terms of WHO?
Let them express their ideas, Keep a friendly environment, Turn talk into action, Focus on their accomplishments, Provide recognition for their achievements, Gently steer them back to the topic at hand
Sanguines want YOU to be:
Fun & upbeat, Responsive, Enthusiastic, Positive, Stimulating
Techniques for working with Sanguines in the Business World:
Use testimonials, Be friendly, Let them talk, Don’t dwell on details, Be enthusiastic, Drop names, Provide recognition for their achievements, Show approval, Support their dreams/needs, Use their own words and quote them back
Value they bring to an Organization:
Provide imagination, Bring spontaneity, Uses inspiration, Stresses interaction, Uses creativity
Natural tendency: Why ruin a good story with the facts?! They have a tendency to over-promise and under-deliver.
Identifying Sanguine Friends: They will be the ones who are late to everything! It’s amazing how many times these people can be “stuck in traffic”. 😉
3. Phlegmatic – Reserved & People Oriented
S: Supportive, Steady, Secure, Sweet, Submissive, Shy, Sentimental
Phlegmatics are:
Peace-keepers, Sweetest people in the world, Easily manipulated, Loyal friends, Team players, Poor starters, Great finishers
Wants: Security, Support and Stability
Don’t Like: To be yelled at, Conflict, Insensitivity, , Misunderstandings, Sarcasm, Surprises, Being pushed
Under Control | Out of Control |
Reliable Cooperative Stable Good Listener Single-minded Steadfast Softhearted Systematic Amiable |
Lacking initiative
Dependent A Sucker Indecisive Uncommunicative Inflexible Resistant to change Easily manipulated Slow Resentful |
Attitudes & Preferences: Likes to be accepted, Likes teamwork & cooperation, Likes sticking with what works, Likes harmony, Likes things to stay the same, Likes predictability
Communication Tips:
Think in terms of HOW?
Be agreeable & non-threatening, Give them time to adjust to changes, Show appreciation, Provide follow-up support, Talk more slowly- do not rush, Demonstrate sincerity
Phlegmatics want YOU to be:
Kind (not harsh), Patient, Pleasant, Understanding
Techniques for working with Sanguines in the Business World:
Provide reassurance, Ask for their help & show appreciation, Pace yourself, Give examples, Give full explanations, Use a quiet, calm manner
Value they bring to an Organization:
Provides stability, Brings harmony, Uses compatibility, Stresses security
Natural Tendency: Constantly fighting the overwhelming urge to want to do nothing.
Identifying your Phlegmatic Friends: They will be the ones with their Halloween pumpkin still out front in December. Or their Christmas tree still up in April. 😉
4. Melancholic- Reserved & Task Oriented
C: Compliant, Cautious, Competent, Cognitive, Careful, Calculating, Critical, Conscientious, Conformist, Consistent, Cold.
Melancholics are: Perfectionists, Difficult to satisfy, Logical, Meticulous, Self-sacrificing, Inquisitive
Wants: Facts & Figures
Don’t Like: Being criticized, Mistakes, Sudden changes, Shoddy work, Unpreparedness, Unnecessary interruptions
Under Control | Out of Control |
Logical Intense Curious Teachable Cautious Correct Questioning Conscientious Precise |
Critical Unsociable Nosey Easily offended Fearful Rigid Doubtful Worrisome Picky |
Attitudes & Preferences:
Likes to be right, Likes to know what is expected of them, Likes an established procedure, Likes clear instructions, Likes finishing what they start, Likes planning things
Communication Tips:
Think in terms of WHY?
Be specific on points of agreement, Avoid emotionalism, Check your facts, Show “pro & con” balance sheet, Show how they fit in, Provide proof, Welcome questions patiently
Melancholics want YOU to be:
Accommodating, Accurate, Accountable, Analytical
Techniques for working with Sanguines in the Business World:
Give full explanations, Do not “hard sell” them, Provide quality answers, Agree on minor points, Demonstrate patience, Be conservative- don’t exaggerate, Provide a sincere atmosphere, Explain sufficient details, Demonstrate value/excellence, Be consistent
Value they bring to an Organization:
Provides analysis, Brings logic, Uses objectivity, Stresses consistency
Natural Tendency: They have tendency to focus on a small detail and lose sight of the big picture. Can suffer from analysis paralysis.
Identifying Melancholic Friends: These are the friends who are early to everything! These friends always need to be right. 😉
***Still trying to figure out your personality? I’ll break it down for you…
You are a Choleric if you skipped my 1st four paragraphs and patted yourself on the back when reading all of the “D” characteristics.
You are a Sanguine if you read less than half of this article and/or daydreamed while reading it.
You are a Phlegmatic if you just wish somebody else would tell you what your personality is.
You are Melancholic if you printed this post, took notes on it and were offended by my “Out of Control” list. Or, well were offended by anything in this post. 😉
** I make the last 4 statements in jest, hoping that you will find humor in self discovery. Please know that it is not my intention to offend anyone.
Stay tuned for future posts on this topic and please comment below and let me know your personality!
~ This post is linked to The Alder Collective, A Little R & R Wednesdays, Women with Intention Wednesdays, Works for Me Wednesday, Faith Filled Friday and Link Party Palooza~ Be sure to check out the other awesome bloggers linked up there!!
*This post contains affiliate links, noted by asterisks. For more information, see my disclosures here.*
Cool stuff, Ciara! I have never heard of this method of determining personalities before! How did you come by it? Do you feel that it has helped you a lot in your relationships? It seems pretty simple, though possibly a bit over-simplified. For example, I am probably phlegmatic, but I definitely have some of the other types characteristics as well.
Have you ever looked into Myers-Briggs? I find that to pretty accurate and eye-opening as well!
Hannah@SeeingtheLovely recently posted…Showing Your Family Thanks during the Holidays
Hi Hannah! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 I have attended a ton of business seminars over the years that have taught this personality model. It has helped me tremendously in working with people!! Especially Phlegmatics! They have always been on my #1 top offended list.. Ouch! I am primarily a strong Choleric and it is very easy for our 2 personalities to be quite conflicting.. But, being able to understand one another is very liberating, because it is then that we can both easily give each other grace..;) And, that makes sense that you have other characteristics in other categories.. For the most part, people exhibit characteristics of 2 different categories. For example, I am choleric and melancholic. And, my husband is sanguine and choleric. Now, obviously the goal is to learn all 4 temperaments and become more well rounded. But, we all have natural tendencies toward certain ones.. There is a test to determine which category one lies in, but honestly I am still looking for it in my resources. Although I’m sure one can take it online for a fee. And, yes, I have heard of Myer-Briggs.. that’s part of the reason I wrote this. Haha I find that one to be over complicated.. so that is sooo funny that you thought this to be over-simplified! LOLOL Gotta love it.. different strokes for different folks, I guess!! 😉 Btw, I have found several new blogs that I absolutely love.. I will see about sending you the info, maybe on fb or email… ttys!!
That’s really cool that you’ve been able to use this in the business world, I can see how it would help people balance their relationships.
Ha, that’s so funny! You see, I like Myers-Briggs because it is complicated-because people are complicated! But you’re right, sometimes it does seem a bit over-complicated and I can see how it would be nice to focus on only 4 personality types vs. 16.
Please do! I’m always happy to hear about new bloggers!
Hannah@SeeingtheLovely recently posted…Books I’m Into: November 2015
Wow, you’ve covered a ton of information! I try to explain to my high school students the importance of communicating with people based on personality types.
Thanks for linking up with The Alder Collective! Your post has been pinned to our party board. We hope you’ll join us again next Tuesday at 8 pm EST!
Abby recently posted…Baked Homemade Potato Chips
Hey Abby! I know! I did not mean to make it so long, but hopefully it helps some people! And, that is awesome you are teaching your students about the personality types!! I wish I would’ve had a teacher like you in high school.. 😉