I am excited to announce that I will be publishing an e-book soon!! For those that know me, this is a HUGE victory and a dream come true. The title to this post gives you a little bit of info on what it’s about, but I figured, hey why not give you all a snippet of what’s to come! So here you go… 🙂
“Is it just me, or is it every time you turn around, someone is saying that he or she or some close relative or friend has ADD, Allergies, Autism, Alzheimers, Cancer, Diabetes, or some other form of chronic disease? This is becoming very disturbing. Are these all catching, or are there too many radio signals, or what? Well yes it is disturbing and no, it’s not catching unless diet, lifestyles, and stress are contagious, and maybe to some degree they are. We’re a nation that has a love affair with quick fixes and fast food, but are shocked and shaken when we or one of our loved ones ends up in the hospital with what we believe to be an unexplainable, unpredictable life threatening illness. Well the fact is that these diseases are explainable and there is a reason and it’s not a mystery.
Now imagine if most diseases or ailments could be prevented? What if there were few actual mysteries on why or how people got sick? There are so many companies and organizations that try to raise money to do research to cure diseases, which is very commendable. But, why do we have to wait until somebody is already sick to help them. We are here to challenge you to develop an increased awareness on how you can keep yourselves well. May we consider for one moment, the thought of prevention? Prevention should not be a foreign subject to us. Do we all not drink water to prevent dehydration or brush our teeth to prevent cavities?
It is so commonplace for people to have so many stomach issues and they don’t even stop to ask themselves why. Instead they do what is widely publicized and go to the drug store to get over the counter medication for indigestion, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and the list goes on. But, the simple fact is that if we would make smarter choices in the food we consume these issues would be eliminated.
Well the good news is that you can stop the merry-go-round. By simply educating ourselves about how our bodies function, we can take control of our health and well being.
The human body is similar to a car. Now I’m not a mechanic but I have effectively maintained several cars and what I learned is that there are two basics things we must do in order to keep our cars running. We must supply appropriate fuel in the tank. (Everyone knows you don’t put Diesel in a Gasoline engine or vice versa.) And, we must have sufficient oil, and keep the oil changed after so many miles. It is also true, that the majority of us, just get in our car, day in and day out, and never really know how it runs. We just take for granted it will get us from point A to point B without any problems. After awhile the car will either have an indicator light come on, notifying us that a part needs to be fixed or replaced, or maintenance work is needed. If we don’t pay attention, however, the car will just breakdown all together.
So, now let’s look at the human body. We too, need”….. to be cont’d.
I know that was mean, to cut it off in mid-sentence! But, I promise more will be coming soon enough.