Have you noticed that every time you turn around, a friend is joining a new Direct Sales (or MLM) company? In one sense, it is refreshing to see that the general population is becoming more entrepreneurial minded and accepting of the network marketing industry. In another sense, it is quite frustrating to watch it all play out.
Now why do I say that? Because, what I know is that the majority of these people will soon have their hopes thwarted.. due to lack of training, thus leading to a lack of success, which will lead to discouragement and then to quitting.
I find that people oftentimes jump into different business ventures solely off of blind excitement. They try a product, love the product and automatically think if they share their excitement with the whole world, certainly everyone else will try the product, love the product, etc..
So, that’s what they do… yet, oftentimes, it does not goes as planned. And, that leads me to…
Common Mistake #1
Spam your Facebook Feed with product and/or business posts.
Do NOT do this.
Ok… you started a new business and you’re excited about it. I get it. Been there, done that. And, I definitely recommend “announcing” to family and friends that you are now in business and letting them know that you offer such and such product or service. That’s Business 101.
But, only do this ONCE… at least on Facebook, that is.
Do NOT continuously push your products in your status updates.
Do NOT repeatedly beg people to join your team… Or, plead with them to “help you reach your goal”.
Do NOT continuously use your status updates to broadcast “your success or the success of people on your team.”
This will NOT motivate people and certainly will not help you sponsor people on your business team.
In fact, engaging in such activity will most often lead to you getting “blocked” from people’s news feed. And, if you do happen to find an occasional person that sparks an interest through this endeavor, it will not be the kind of person you are looking for to build a long term, solid business. This will be the type of person looking for a “get rich quick scheme”. And, unless that’s what you’re offering.. move on.
One of the greatest pieces of advice that a very successful business man gave me about using Facebook to promote business was this…
“Facebook is about Social, not Business.” In other words, people go on Facebook to connect with family and friends. They want to see pictures of you and your family. They want to see what you’re up to and what’s going on in your life. They don’t want to go there and feel like someone is constantly trying to “sell them into something”.
Now, there is obviously a place for Business “Pages”. And, that is a perfect place to promote a business. However, understand that is different from…
Common Mistake #2
Sadly enough, this next mistake has to do with Facebook also. But, this is a whole different beast. I would love to talk to the person who first thought this was a good idea.. (Comment deleted, so as to keep post positive.. ;))
Creating “Groups” …
Do NOT hijack people add people to a “group” for the sole purpose of promoting your business and/or product.
In other words, Do NOT blindly invite people to an “online party” that they did not ask to be a part of.
And, while we’re on the topic of mass invites.. Do NOT send out “group messages” with the purpose of self promotion.
All of these actions, not only put people in a very awkward position, but they are NOT effective. Let me give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be “on the receiving end”.
People feel like they are being held hostage. Seriously. They are being forced into a group and then spammed constantly with product posts or promotions that they didn’t ask for. It not only gives them a negative taste about your offerings, it gives them a negative taste about You.
Friend… nobody wants to feel like they’ve been “sold” or “gotten into” something. They don’t want to feel like they’re just a number.. or just a blind “add” on Facebook.
People want to feel like they are part of something Elite. Something special.
Inevitably, these two tactics are oftentimes the only method one uses when promoting their business. And, when they don’t work, more times than not… they quit.
They quit from discouragement, when they don’t get the mutual excitement and participation they were expecting.
They quit from rejection, when people say no to them.. or ignore them.
Now, if you are guilty of doing any of the above activities, don’t feel bad. In my years of entrepreneurial ventures, I have tried almost everything under the sun. Some things worked. Some didn’t. But, that’s just part of being an entrepreneur. You get knocked down, but then you brush yourself off and start again. Only.. don’t keep doing what doesn’t work. Try something new… and better yet, learn from those who have gone before you.
In moving forward… if you are serious about taking the entrepreneurial route, learn to think like a professional business owner. If you have been an employee your whole life, it’s safe to assume that you will need to learn a few new things in order to be a successful entrepreneur.
Read a few books. Or several.
Here are some that I suggest…
Great post! Thanks for sharing with the Alder Collective!