Welcome Back Favored Friends!
This marks Week #2 of sharing my Weekly Goals with you. Part of me is a little nervous to look back over last week, as I now have an audience keeping up with them. Yikes!
Oh well.. here we go! And, as you’ll be able to see… The “Big Goals” will remain the same, because they are ongoing. But, we will check in on the Little Goals to make sure we’re on the right track! (Btw, I’m still working on the format of this post, so please forgive me if it’s not too reader friendly. : /)
Last Week’s Goals
Big Goal: Have a close, personal relationship with God. I want to know His will for my life. I want His wisdom to guide my steps, my words and actions.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goals
Spend at least 30 minutes reading the Bible, (and other spiritual books) and praying every morning before Eli wakes up(I did pretty good on this one. Although I did miss Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I was at the in-laws, so my schedule was all out of whack. And, I woke up late on Sunday, due to staying up too late the night before. Whoops!)- Daily listen to at least one 30 minute Inspirational Audio (I am still getting back in the habit of this. I used to be really good about listening to audios everyday. And, then Eli came along.. 😉 Now, I’m just lucky to not be singing “Wheels on the Bus” all day!) Alas, I shall do better this week!
- Daily speak scripture affirmations (I definitely need some improvement in this area.)
Daily Praise God in song and dance for the Miracles coming our way!(I was actually really good about this one! Maybe because I like singing and dancing?! Either way, I enjoy expressing gratitude to my Father in Heaven. ;))Communion with Matt at least 3 times this week(I think we have been doing this more than 3 times a week. And, what a blessing it has been to take time to reflect on Jesus’s sacrifice and the promises that it brings to our life.)
Big Goal: Move to a new location (undisclosed)
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Prepare house for Showings (Clear Clutter, Pack Boxes)This is an ongoing process. But, we have definitely made progress!)Take Pictures(We have taken all but 2 pictures that we need. Yippee! We hope to send them all to the Realtor tomorrow.)Research new Properties(I’ve been looking online at properties, but unfortunately there is not too much we can do before our house is under contract.)- Visualize new Property (It has actually been quite the challenge to figure out what we want. Because we have really BIG dreams, but at the same time think this next house may just be a stepping stone for us to build again. But, none the less, it looks like the vision is not yet clear.)
Big Goal: Improve my people skills, leadership ability and become an all around better person.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Read at least 20 minutes a day– This week I am reading from I Used To Be So Organized. (I have read everyday. But, I’m not sure if it’s for at least 20 minutes. Honestly, I am trying to figure out how some people read sooo fast! Crystal finished this book in a week and I’m only like half way through. And, I know if I asked Sarah at The Orthodox Mama, she would tell me she probably finished the whole book in 20 minutes! 😉 I’m not sure how she does it, but she has already read like 93 books in 2015!!)
Big Goal: I want Eli to have fun everyday, have new experiences and learn to love the outdoors.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
Play outside with Eli everyday(We’ve been pretty good about this. And, soon we will have more property for him to romp around on!)
Big Goal: I want Eli to love reading and increase his knowledge and imagination.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Read to Eli everyday (I can definitely improve in this area. Eli plays with his books everyday, but Mommy needs to get better at reading them. The good thing is I am participating in a book exchange, so very soon will have lots more for him!)
Big Goal: I want to increase my productivity each day.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Review Make over Your Mornings Course. (Yeah, well I totally did not do this one, so it will be added to this week!)
Big Goal: I want to be in the best physical shape possible.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Do Yoga 5-6 times this week(Yay! I have done this. Have I mentioned that I looove Yoga? Total ME time! 😉- Do 50 sit ups a day (Nope. I only did this a couple days this week.)
- Lift weights 10 minutes a day (Nope. Totally forgot about this one.)
Big Goal: I want to have a growing, profitable blog.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
Write 2-3 new blog posts.Yes!! I wrote 2 blog posts last week. Yay!- Write a Guest Post. (I’m still trying to figure out the best way to go about this one. Perhaps I should ask a fellow blogger? :))
- Review Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook and
Facebook Mastermind notes. (I have not reviewed the book, but I have been reviewing the Mastermind notes and gaining lots of new insight!) - Start e-book for Subscription Promotion (Noooo, I have not yet done anything for this one.)
Now, on to This Week’s Goals:
(I feel kind of boring while writing these, because a lot of them are the same as last weeks! Not sure if that’s good or bad. But, I will continue to reevaluate the list, so as not to bore you all. 😉
Big Goal: Have a close, personal relationship with God. I want to know His will for my life. I want His wisdom to guide my steps, my words and actions.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goals
- Spend at least 30 minutes reading the Bible, (and other spiritual books) and praying every morning before Eli wakes up (Quiet Time)
- Daily listen to at least one 30 minute Inspirational Audio
- Daily speak scripture affirmations
- Daily Praise God in song and dance for the Miracles coming our way!
- Communion with Matt at least 3 times this week
Big Goal: Move to a new location (undisclosed)
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
- Clean my office!!
- Research new Properties
- Visualize new Property
Big Goal: Improve my people skills, leadership ability and become an all around better person.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Read at least 20 minutes a day – I am still reading: I Used To Be So Organized. This book has been fantastic and I am learning lots from it! However, I hope to finish this book and move onto Money Making Mom this week.
Big Goal: I want Eli to have fun everyday, have new experiences and learn to love the outdoors.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Play outside with Eli everyday
Big Goal: I want Eli to love reading and increase his knowledge and imagination.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Read to Eli everyday
Big Goal: I want to increase my productivity each day.
Weekly Little Goal to back up the Big Goal:
- Review Make over Your Mornings Course.
Big Goal: I want to be in the best physical shape possible.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
- Do Yoga 5-6 times this week
- Do 50 sit ups a day
- Lift weights 10 minutes a day
Big Goal: I want to have a growing, profitable blog.
Weekly Little Goals to back up the Big Goal:
- Write 2-3 new blog posts.
- Write a Guest Post.
- Review Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook and Facebook Mastermind notes.
- Start e-book for Subscription Promotion
How about you? I would be honored for you to share your goals here and we can encourage each other!
Proverbs 27:17 says: As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
*This post contains affiliate links, noted by asterisks. For more information, see my disclosures here.*
You’ll love Money Making Mom! And, we should talk about guest posting. I’ve got one lined up for November, but maybe we can work on something for January? Have a great week!
Sarah@TheOrthodoxMama recently posted…One Simple Secret to Saving More Money
Awesome! I’ll definitely have to get it! If you have an affiliate link, I will be sure to get it through you. 😉 And, I would love to talk about guest posting.. I still don’t completely understand how it works.. ttys!