We all have a responsibility to vote. I think we can all agree on that. But, just as important as voting is VOTING RIGHT. And, how can we do that unless we do our due diligence?
Have you ever gotten to a voting booth, only to look at the ballot and ask, “Who is that?!” or, “What in the world does that mean?”
In the past, I have either guessed or left some questions unanswered. Now, although this may be okay for an exam in school. It is NOT okay when picking the people who will lead our Country.
So, I have repented of my ways and have resolved to do better.
And, that for me, means voting by mail.
You see, no matter how much one attempts to prepare for voting in an election, sometimes you just don’t know ALL that is up for stake.
Let me share with you my experience.
I received my primary ballot in the mail about a week or so ago. And, I must admit, I was not familiar with ANY of the candidates or the Amendment being voted on. In fact, the extent of my knowledge came from the local signs I had seen posted in people’s yards.
However, I believe that we are responsible for the Platform of the people we vote for. So, it was very important to make sure each person’s Platform lined up with my Christian beliefs. And, for me the best way to do that was research online.
So, last night I took almost two hours and went through every candidate and read where they stand “on the issues”. In other words, what is their stand on abortion, healthcare, national security, etc. These are ALL super duper important issues! And, they directly affect us as Americans.
What I found was slightly alarming. The one candidate that I actually recognized and is very well known within the political arena was completely against an issue that is VERY, VERY important to me. It made me wonder how many other people took the time to find this out and then chose to not just vote for the name they recognized, but the one better suited for the position.
In my research, I also realized that one candidate had accomplished absolutely nothing noteworthy. In fact, I was wondering how in the world this person even made it on the ballot! Now I would never judge a friend, acquaintance, etc. But, I do believe if someone is in a position of leadership, there should definitely be a reason for them to be there!
Moving on, I encourage you before each election to take some time and pray. And, research the candidates. Remember, God knows who He wants in office. And, it’s our responsibility to find out who that is. Do not vote based on someone’s personality. Vote for the Platform they stand on.
Yes, very very important!! ….And I’ve almost always lived in states that ONLY do mail-in voting (or I’ve lived out of the country and had to do absentee), so I really appreciate that part — to be able to research just like you said. 🙂
Thanks lady! And, wow! I had no idea there were states that only did mail-in voting!! Which ones?
Oregon and Washington for me, but I think Colorado does it, too. Not many. 🙂